Sunday, July 27, 2014


I m indeed very excited to start a blog dedicated to Hinduism. Some people have always been concerned about writing about religion. I can very much understand that since a lot of people know that religious division is the cause of major riots and wars. But that's where I m hoping to keep this blog different.

Purpose of This Blog:

Learn about the meaning behind some of the things we do in Hinduism.

Understand Hinduism in a way where we can relate it to the day to day situations we face in our lives.

Discuss about anything which we feel is good or bad about some of the practices we follow.

Share the things we learnt with our friends and family.

No Propaganda Policy:

I will not write about any Hinduism centric propaganda which aims towards getting people from other religions to Hinduism or shows that Hinduism is superior to other religions. I believe that all the religions in this world are sacred and is for the betterment of humanity.

Why This Blog?

There has been so many instances where I have learnt something very interesting about a temple or about a particular ritual. There are times where I have seen something wrong which has been followed in the name of Hinduism. So I thought this would be a good medium for me to share my thoughts as well as get an opportunity to get some enlightenment from the readers/commenters in this blog.

The following Sanskrit verse would be a perfect one to explain the idea behind starting this blog.

अपूर्वः कोपि कोशोयं विद्यते तव भारती
व्ययतो वृद्धिम् आयाति क्षयम् आयाति संचयात् .

Apoorvah kopi koshoyam vidyate tav Bharati
Vyayato vruddhim aayaati kshyam aayaati sanchayaat.

 O Goddess Saraswati, your Treasure is unique in nature.  It increases when it is freely spent and gets destroyed if it is hoarded (and not shared with others).
The underlying idea in this verse is that the more knowledge is shared with others, the more it tends to broaden and improves the concept being shared , leading to opening of new vistas of knowledge.  If knowledge is kept by a person to himself, it perishes and is lost forever, as has been the case with many disciplines of knowledge in the past.

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